
Outpatient surgery is a type of surgery that has been practiced regularly for more than 15 years, some more if we look at Anglo-Saxon countries such as the United States.   In the field of our specialty, plastic and reconstructive surgery, this way of working is where...

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text]Para empezar, lo ideal es que haya productos de proximidad y de temporada, siendo una cena ligera pero equilibrada. Podríamos basarnos en el Método de Plato o Plato de Harvard para saber la composición de nuestra cena. Este método...

La espirulina es una microalga verde-azul que está de moda por sus propiedades nutricionales y pos sus usos terapéuticos. La mayoría de empresas utilizan las microalgas como estrategia de marketing o como agente colorante. Sin embargo, la espirulina (y los compuestos derivados de ella) muestran...

Humans are genetically 99.9% the same. It only differentiates us the 0.1 of our genes, a small percentage that makes us unique. The knowledge of these different genes and their involvement in the physiology of our skin has given rise to an innovative technique of aesthetic...

Beautician bachelor's degree. Nutritionist top grade. Lymphotherapist. Chiropractor. ACADEMIC INFORMATION Aesthetic Perfection Course, (1997-1999), I.E.S Salvador Seguí Higher degree of nutrition (2009-2011) I.E.S. Ramón y cajal Lymphatic drainage course (Vooder Method) Therapeutic massage (1999-2000) I.E.S. Salvador Seguí Course facelift, reflexology, aromatherapy, Siatshu (1999-2000) I.E.S. Salvador Seguí Nutrition course in cardiovascular diseases (2010) Almería ...