
Forehead Lift

As people age, genetic factors, the effect of gravity, sun exposure, daily stress … occur on the face certain signs of aging, exacerbated by bad habits such as snuff and alcohol.

The folds between the nose and mouth are accentuated, the lost mandibular border definition and increases your sagging neck. The Forehead Lift procedure can be performed as alone or in combination with other facial surgery such as rhinoplasty or blepharoplasty.

Who is the ideal candidate for a Forehead Lift?

The best candidates are those men and women in the forehead skin has lost elasticity and has many transverse wrinkles on the forehead and brow level also. A facelift does not have to rejuvenate a certain number of years, but get back a better look and a more youthful appearance.

The age is usually between fifty and seventy years but facelifts are performed in people over seventy years with excellent results.

What is the Lifting Front?

The lifts must be customized. At the consultation your surgeon will examine your face, your skin quality and your bone structure, I will discuss possibilities that surgery offers.

Basically, is based on an operation that treats forehead wrinkles, frown lines as well, falling eyebrows.

As all required surgical scar in this case is in the scalp, hidden in the thickness of the hair. You can also apply endoscopic techniques, which require less scar, but only in certain cases.

The lift is basically tightening the muscle and skin layers, removing the remaining tissue. Once completed, the wounds are closed temporarily leaving some small drains under the skin so it does not collect any exudate or blood. Finally, place a bandage.

The lift must be performed in a licensed clinic and is performed under sedation or general anesthesia depending on the particular case.

Your stay in the clinic depends on the type of anesthesia and the extent of lifting.

Will I see any 3D simulation before Forehead Lift?

In our Cànons Clinics centers specializing in Cosmetic Medicine and Surgery offer the possibility to show through a new 3D program E-Stetix various three-dimensional simulations of Forehead Lift Surgery to analyze a personalized and medically all aspects want to improve, just doing some pictures before that, and you get an idea about always, how you’ll be later, involved a variety of factors.

What will return to normality?

The postoperative period is usually not painful. The discomfort usually appear often to be controlled with standard analgesics. Bandage and the drain pipes are normally removed within 24 to 48 hours.

The first points are removed around week and, points on the scalp and / or staples a little later. It is normal to feel the skin of the face “corky”, this sensation is temporary and disappears in a few weeks. Considered normal to be swollen face and bruises present, this aspect will only last between 10 and 15 days approximately.

It is advisable to do rest during the first two weeks and that you avoid exercise or violent activities for at least two weeks following the operation. The facial skin will need special care and should not expose to sunlight or to UV rays for at least three months.

At first, you may feel worried / or the appearance of the face, thinks most people return to normal life, including work, after two weeks depending on each case. In this period normalizes inflammation and bruises disappear. The scars are concealed few more weeks, but eventually become almost imperceptible.

From the third week, your look will be much better. If you have to return to work, you can apply makeup to camouflage the potential bruises that may persist.

Lifting Prospects are good especially if you are aware that the results are not seen immediately.

How I planned the Forehead Lift?

Your surgeon will explain which technique to employ in your case as well as anesthesia advisable. Be sure to ask your surgeon any questions you have about the surgery, you should also think carefully about your expectations and your surgeon coméntaselas.

The doctor will tell you what steps have to be taken to prepare the intervention. Also check all those medical issues that could cause problems during or after surgery, such as uncontrolled high blood pressure, blood clotting problems, etc.. Comentale if you are taking any medication, especially aspirin or any drugs that may affect blood clotting.

You’ll have to carefully follow the guidelines that you check the plastic surgeon, a fact that will greatly help you to develop better surgery. If you are a smoker / a is essential that at least four weeks before and after the intervention to quit smoking. Snuff hinders the blood flow to the skin and can interfere with the recovery of scars.

If you have short hair it is advisable to let it grow before surgery because long hair helps to hide the scars from the surgery while they remain visible. When the lift has made you remember that whether entered or remained, has been an outpatient surgery must have help to take you both home to help at home for the first few days.

Make sure also that a family member or companion can take you home when you are to be discharged and, if necessary, can help a few days.

What precautions should I take?

In order to limit the risk of bleeding and bruising have to avoid taking in the 7 days before the procedure antiplatelet drugs such as aspirin, dipyridamole, ticlopidine, … as well as in the 3 days prior to taking NSAIDs like Ibuprofen antiplatelet effect, Diclofenac , indomethacin, piroxicam, naproxen…