
Goodbye, double chin! Now we can put an end to the worry about the fat that stays on the neck and under the chin. The revolutionary treatment Belkyra® allows to reduce the double chin without going through the operating room. Injectables reposition tissues naturally and without risk of flaccidity.

What is Belkyra®?

Belkyra® is an injectable product containing deoxycholic acid formulated exclusively for the chin area. The treatment, which is performed without surgery, dissolves the fat under the chin and firms the tissues, guaranteeing the absence of flaccidity, to show off a young neck without hardly any discomfort.

How does the treatment work?

The procedure is simple and painless. The product is distributed in the area to be treated through microinjections. Infiltrations can be slightly annoying, so there is the option of using ice or local anesthesia.

What are the benefits?

Belkyra® acts, breaks and destroys the cell membrane of the fat. Therefore, removes the adipocytes permanently, so that fat will not re-form. The treatment ends with the double chin while tense and reaffirms the skin of the chin and jaw, both in men and women.

How many sessions are needed?

Between preparation and completion of the treatment, a Belkyra® session lasts approximately 30 minutes. The number of sessions required varies depending on the amount of fat in the area to be treated, so it can range between 2 and 4. Between sessions you must spend at least one month.

How long do the results last?

The results are definitive and begin to be noticed from the second session. The fat dies and is replaced by new tissues.

What side effects can you expect?

The most common is that swelling appears in the treated area for about 4 days. The swelling is necessary for skin retraction to occur, that is, for the skin to tighten and the neck to look firm. Sometimes small bruises or a slight redness may also appear. Only in some cases there is numbness or loss of sensitivity, which disappears progressively.